Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Word to the Wise

I've gotten pretty good at cutting people out of my life who have hurt me: my count is up to four to date.  What does this say about me?  If someone really knew me, I think they would say that it means that I have been too open, too trusting, too naive with people that I don't know from Adam.  In the past, I have welcomed unknown people with open arms and allowed them to get to know me deep down before I really knew if they were trustworthy. I have served up my heart on a platter for them to do with what they choose, friends and romantic interests alike. Four of these people turned around and either handed it right back to me, or proceeded to stomp on it and hurt me deeply.

Going forward, I know now that I should be less naive about the ways of the world.  I think that it's good to take risks, but it's also healthy to reevaluate those risks and take a step back.  It's worthwhile to be a little cautious in making new friendships and forging new relationships, because what do you really know about these people, anyway?  Going forward, it is important to remember that people can talk a big game, but I should let their actions speak for who they truly are.  I want to remember to go with what my gut feelings tell me, because they are more often right than not. I shouldn't let fear of getting hurt again rule my interactions with the world, but I also should not throw caution to the wind.

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