Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Lenten Make-Over

For Lent this year, I had a hard time thinking of something to give up. Whenever I try to give up something (i.e. Diet Coke, chocolate, or something else impossible), it never works. That's why this year, I wanted to do something instead, like an act of good works, or something to that effect. I am thinking instead that I will do a little of both. I need to stop cursing if I am going to be a teacher. So to stop the knee-jerk potty mouth excretions, I have decided to put 25 cents into a jar for every curse that I say during Lent. Just so you know how bad my cursing issue is, I already have $1.00 just from the commute to work this morning, the first day of Lent. Ack! When Lent is over, I plan to donate the money that accumulates in the jar to my church or other charitable organization.

Part II of my Lenten plan is to call loved ones that I have not spoken to in awhile to reconnect. I am thinking that I will take every Tuesday and Thursday and call two people each night. It all sounds do-able to me. Let's see if I stick to my grand Lenten scheme. Hopefully, it will not be like "New Year's Resolutions: Round Two," as my friend Lauren coined last night. Here's hoping!

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